No Baskets!
I don't think that we should get the daily basket because we waste it anyway. If we don't eat it, well why should we get it? When we waste food and throw it away,....... BUGS COME!!!!!!! Our school could be INFESTED!!!!!
Think about all of the poor people that have no food at all. Think of how they would feel if you threw away all that fruit right in front of their faces. Do you think they would waste it, No they wouldn't they would eat it all.
Another reason is that all of the money we waste, could go to school funds. We could buy brand new books, instruments, and balls for P.E. The school could do a lot with the extra money. It would and could be useful for the school.
Imagine just getting an apple that had a bug in it. Ya, it was nice when it was picked, but a bug could have gotten a worm in no time at all. It would be very disgusting, eating an alive bug! That would be very gross!
That's Why We Don't Need the Fruit & Vegetable
Made by K.M.