So this is how it all started. Me, and Eli were walking to school.When we got to school it was exactly 8:00am o;clock we weren’t we were late, but we weren’t we were the first ones there. Their were no teacher or students, there was absolutely no one well of course Me and Eli. So we went into our class room to check it out because maybe it was a surprise but it turns out it wasn’t.But one thing that was in there was mine and Eli’s computers on this game thats said do not press!!!But what do you think we did we pressed it.
We magically disappeared into, the unknown world and I didn’t make that up, there was a sign that said “welcome to the unknown world.”The unknown world was well unknown of course.There were things that i never knew existed and things and things that I thought never existed but there was things that I knew about.Well thats me.I don’t know about Eli because he was jumping on jello.I turned around and there was another button that said do not press and I said Eli come check this out,” he says “should we press it?” I answered “Well we already pressed one one and maybe it will change everything back to normal.”When we got to the new place every one was going to school thats seems normal but the, the weird thing was it was 8:00 pm o;clock!We went in the school to see if we recognized anyone.When we got in there it seemed as if we were in the future.That only ment well we didn’t know what that ment but maybe we could find out at the mall.For those of you who don’t know me and Eli’s parents work together and thats were me and Eli met.When we entered there were robots, some unicorns on hover crafts,and some big scary thing hmm lets just call it a giant.They were surrounding our parents and a button that said “Don’t press!”We defeated all of them we acutely Aaron we didn’t we just ran around and made them crash into each other.“I know” I answered so we got our parents free and pressed out button.So our lives go back to normal.