For spring break I went to Arizona. We drove twelve hours straight until we reached Phoenix. Then we had to go to my grandpas house. We spent the night there. Then when we woke up we went some ancient history museum in Tucson. I saw the greek alphabet on a papyrus. It should have turned to dust according to the date. They have the real Iliad of Homer! Then we went to my grandmas. She lives a couple miles from Tombstone. We stayed there for a couple of days and then we went home.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
My Spring Break By Daisy L.
I had so much fun over spring break. I shouldn’t just stand here and brag. I’ll tell you about it.
Saturday ( day 1 ) I slept in and that felt good. I played with Jesse ( she’s my neighbor ) and we had loads of fun. We played outside and inside, in her backyard and my backyard.
Sunday ( day 2 ) I went to church. After that I did do much. All I did was read my mother’s fabulous “kindle”.
Monday ( day 3 ) I played with my friend Alexa. My little sister Camilla was playing with her friend Autumn. Autumn got her foot in a drainage pipe that was left open while we were playing hide-and-seek. Later after that we were going to make Jesse (My “Cousin”) look like a boy/stalker and scare Camilla and Autumn and pretend she was stalking them.
Tuesday (Day 4) Our friend Katie was going to come over. Jesse was a tom boy. She doesn’t wear skirts, pink things, and make-up, but we were going to make her. We were going to trick Katie into thinking Jesse was a girly.
Wednesday (Day 5) I went over to my friend Malissa’ house. We had fun! We jumped on her trampoline. We had late lunch. We watched a movie. It was called “The Prince and Me”.
Thursday ( Day 6) I played with Alexa. We had so much fun. We had our “Dr. Phil Time”. I am Alexa’s Dr. Phil. That WEEK we had emotional sessions.
Friday (Day 7 )Friday was the same as Thursday. Except the fact that it is the 3rd to last day of freedom from school. I was over at Alexa’s house. We also played with Ida B (Idalis).
Saturday (Day 8) I WAS BORED OUT OF MY MIND! I had absolutely NOTHING to do
Ida B came over and we had so much fun!!!!!
Sunday (LAST DAY OF SPRING BREAK!)All I did was go to church and spend a little time with my family.
The End!!!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Spring Break
I went to New Mexico to visit my cousins. First we stayed at a hotel and I swam there. Then I went to my great Grandma and Grandpa for 2 nights. Then I went to the White Sands. I jumped off the dunes. I went to my cousins for 3 nights during that time we went to Carlsbad Caverns I got a scorpion in plastic that glows in the dark. Then we went to the same hotel and swam there. Then I went to 4 corners. Last, home.
My Spring Break
I stayed home and played video games and played on my computer.I also hung-out with friends.Well I did also have some pineapple upside-down cake and let me tell you it was GOOD. You would want to eat it for desert everyday!
Also I got to stay up till like 3:00. Plus I got to see all my favorite shows like Adventure Time or Regular show.Well thats my SPRING BREAK!!!
spring break
For my spring break I had a 3 night sleep over.I got a week off of school.Then iI had a big dinner with my family it was tasty.I got 30$ for cleaning and doing chores.I went to go fishing and feed duckes. I went to two birthday parties. I went to my friends party. Then i went to adrians birthday party at extreme air sports that was my spring break
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Best spring break ever!
I am so excited for this cruise.But before I could go I had to stay a night at Las Vegas.Also , California for a night.Ok where was I oh yeah.Ok we are here.Finally.My moms friend Marie even came with us.Can we go swimming.No we are going out to eat.Please.Ok.We will vote who votes swimming.Me.Me.Me,Me.who votes to eat.Me.Me.Me.So we went swimming.This is fun! Splash Splash.Ow why did you throw justin on me!Sorry Jackson.45 min later.Ok time to go to dinner.What kind ?thai.THAI Food!Mmmmm this is delicious.I love red curry ,Tom kaki and Pad thai. My brother Jayson ate this spicy stuff a spoon full to be exact.It was so spicy that we had to have lots of ice-cream to make it better.So we were going to bed but my brother said lets watch Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 1.But I only watched half of it because I fell asleep .So we went to my great aunt and uncles house to have lunch.I saw a mini basket ball hoop and fake animals .So I made up a game that I stick the animals into the net then i shake it and last one on wins.So it was time to go.And now California.It usually takes 5 hours but it took 6 because of traffic.We watched a movie called church ball it is so funny.So we got there and right when I got there I went swimming again.My brother Jayson met a german exchange student.Her name was Hannah.He thought she was kinda cute.So then we went back to the apartment.we watched a little T.V.Then went to bed.So we left again to go to the cruise!It took 30 min to get there.There were long lines.We finally got there then I went swimming.I met new friends one was a boy and one was a girl.The boys name was joe and the girls name was Jessica.They were brother and sister.There was something REALLY weird they had a hairy man contest.Then I went to dinner.I had shrimp caesar salad then a steak.Then I went to sleep.All there were on t.v was you again, tangled and harry potter 7.So the next day I went to breakfast .Then I went swimming.Then went to Catalina Island.And I was to busy looking at a bird so then all of a sudden my parents left!Then I found them.So then we went parasailing! It was so fun we went 800 feet in the air.We all did it so then we left and took a golf cart ride.there were lots of beautiful sights.So then I went to get me a souvenir.So I got myself a jacket .In fact it is the one I am wearing now.Then we left.So then we had dinner.I had the same thing as the other time.Then I went to bed.Then I woke up and played mini golfing with my mom, dad,Marie an my sister Andelin. And then I got a soda sticker so I could get soda anywhere anytime.Then I had dinner.I had the same thing again.Then I went to bed.After i woke up i went to Ensenada,Mexico.We went on a tour.Then we went shopping.The only thing i don’t like about mexico is people beg me to buy from there store.So I got a mexican playstation I don’t call puppets that they did.Then we went to the geyser.I saw Xalaphone players they were awesome.ThenI ate a mexican taco.Then I went back on the ship then I got dinner I had the same thing again.Then I went to sleep.Then I got up and left and got my bag then drove to las vegas stayed with my great uncle and aunts house then I went home.
Spring Break
By: J.P.
Monday: First my mom took me to a babysitter and I played with her kids. Then my mom’s friend came and picked me up. With him we went roller blading on the provo river trail.
Wensday : My mom went to school and left us with a babysitter again. Then my mom’s friend came and picked us up again. We went to the park. Then we went home.
Thursday: First my mom’s friend came and we took his car to the car fixing place. then we went to my counseling appointment. After that we went grocery shopping. Last we went to pick up my Grandma.
Friday: I woke up and watched a movie. Then we ate breakfast. After that we got dressed and walked to Mavericks and got icecream. Then we went home and ate lunch. Last we ate dinner.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Spring Creek
During Spring Break I stayed home and played on the computer. And I went to restaurants to eat. And I went to my aunt’s house. And we celebrated my aunt’s birthday.And my aunt’s birthday cake was vanilla with strawberries on top.And I also got three months of xbox live gold membership.So I can play online on my xbox 360.And I could wake up later than normal.And that’s how I spend my Spring Break.
Spring Break By: Kristty
During spring break I went to my cousin’s and slept over. The first day we went to the candy factory, and got all sorts of candy! Then we went to get some tacos, and went to the park. After we got to the park, we went to my other cousin’s house and played soccer. Then we went back to my cousin’s house, and watched Tangled.
On the second day we went to go see Hop, I liked it a lot. Also we played Skip-o, ( Its a card game ). It was so fun, ( The object of the game is to get rid of your cards.) Then we watched Megamind.
On the last day at my cousin’s house we went to a very BIG park!! It was enormous. It was so so so fun there. it had all kinds of fun stuff! It had two swing sets, four slides, a really big rock climbing wall, and so much more!
After I went home we watched movies and stayed up until 12:00 am.
This was the BEST spring break
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Spring Break
My Spring Break
What I did for spring break is just play outside with my cousin Katana. The only thing I did with Katana was play with my chalk. The pictures we did with the chalk was make flowers and homes with chalk. The other thing I did was riding bikes with Katana and she knows how to ride a two wheeler bike and she is only 4 years old too!

My Spring Break
My Spring Break My Spring break was awesome!On the first Saturday of Spring break I was with my dad.I went to eat at Sonic before I went to the movies.When we got there we decided to watch the movie Insidious.It`s supposed to be a scary movie.But it was only scary on some film`s.
On the last Saturday before I started school again I went to my cousin`s house.We went swimming at his pool.It was fun because we played a game called colors.We also kept jumping in the pool.It was so much fun until .... we got back to school. :)
My Spring Break!
I had an awesome spring break!On TuesdayI went to the pet store,Jay’s Jungle!And I got a fish!! I got 2 of them.I named them Goldie and Spot!You might think that naming a fish Spot is kind of a weird name for a fish,but I didn’t know what else to name him.He is a boy!But Goldie is a girl!Goldie is just a normal goldfish.
Also I played outside a TON!! On Monday I came here,the school,and played on the playground with my friends!
By: Asheley
Spring Break
Spring Break
By: Kelly
For Spring Break I went to Provost Park. At Provost we played soccer,tag,and rode scooters. We went to Provost Monday-Friday. On Saturday I went to church. At church a girl fainted. Lots of people helped her up. On Sunday, I saw the movie Coraline. Also I went to my cousin’s birthday party.We had so much fun. When I got home, I took a shower. After, my brothers girlfriend came over. We were walking around the block. When we were walking we saw Aaron. We went to my neighborhood park and played basketball, tag, also I rode Aaron’s rip-stick. I fell off twice. I didn’t want to use it again.Then me, and his girlfriend started to run away from my brother.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Edvard Munch
Edvard Munch.
Edvard Munch was born in December, 12th 1863 in a rustic farm house. He was an artist. One of his first paintings, was the world famous in the day, The Scream.
Munch wrote of how the painting came to be: "I was walking down the road with two friends when the sun set; suddenly, the sky turned as red as blood. I stopped and leaned against the fence, feeling unspeakably tired. Tongues of fire and blood stretched over the bluish black fjord. My friends went on walking, while I lagged behind, shivering with fear. Then I heard the enormous, infinite scream of nature.
Another painting he made was the sick child. It is a portrait of his older and favorite sister Sophie (Johanne Sophie b. 1862) who died of tuberculosis in 1877.
I think he is one of the best artists I know.
Do not press!
So this is how it all started. Me, and Eli were walking to school.When we got to school it was exactly 8:00am o;clock we weren’t we were late, but we weren’t we were the first ones there. Their were no teacher or students, there was absolutely no one well of course Me and Eli. So we went into our class room to check it out because maybe it was a surprise but it turns out it wasn’t.But one thing that was in there was mine and Eli’s computers on this game thats said do not press!!!But what do you think we did we pressed it.

Thursday, April 7, 2011
Bald Eagle
The Bald Eagle.
The bald eagle is a bird of prey. That means that they eat meat, NOT HUMANS, just fish and small rodents.
They are the national symbol of the USA, that means it represents the USA. The USA chose this bird because it was a sacred to the native american indians.
They are found in large bodies of open water, That means it is a sea eagle. A sea eagle is an eagle that hangs around water to get living fish.
The bald eagle is also the seal of the president of the USA. The Seal of the President represents the President. The White House agency put the seal of the president on his podium when he speaks.
Bald eagles nests are about 2 kilometers long and 4ft wide. No wonder baby eagles are so big!!!!
Death by Elmo
Once there was a girl. She was in LOVE with Elmo. She had Elmo cloths, beds, blankets, sheets, pillows, books, lamps, rugs, desks, novels, computer screen savers, movies, and 1 poster that says: I love Elmo.One day Elsa ( the girl who loved Elmo) bought an Elmo bomb. She didn’t know that it was a bomb. She thought it was a new Dancing Elmo. When she got home she pressed the button. Nothing happend. She didn’t know it blew up China!!! That night she saw on the news that China blew up!!!
Cause: Elmo Bomb
Effect: China blew up!!
A Long Trip For Gold
A Long Trip For Gold
One time I was watching the news and the news reporter said “ People in Anaheim California have found gold.” So then I called my mom and said “Mom you`re taking me and my family to California!Right now” After that we started driving and my sister started being annoying and saying “ I`m going to California!” We had to stop at a gas station for water.But when we got back in the car it was frustrating because you had to sit in a circular way so it took even longer because my brother had to stretch before he got into our limo.When we were driving my nephew kept tapping on the window and saying “ Glistening water!” While we were looking out the window you could see prospectors looking for valuable things.Then the car started going really slow I told the driver “ Whats wrong? “ He said “ I don`t know let me check.“ I was disappointed because we had to stop.Then the driver said “ You might want to see this!” So I stepped out of the limo and saw that we had found a pot of gold.
The End
I saw a button on my game that said do not press but I decided to press it t.v turned off.Then a big flash happened and the next thing you know a giant hand appeared, reached out and pulled me right into the game.
The only way i could get out is by passing all the levels.Levels 1,2, and 3 were the easiest levels.Then level 4 I had to fight a giant monster.The hands on the monster looked like the hands that pulled me into the game.I had no idea of how i was going to defeat him.Then I remembered a cheat but i didn't have a controller so i just yelled it out and poof he was gone.
Level 9 was also a hard level it was an alien level.You had to run away from a whole army of aliens some were running after you some were in their ufos.Then i found a car and drove away.Just then a alien cop pulled me over.I thought in my head alien cops why did i press that button.He asked me “where is your alien card?” I told him “i don’t have one all i have is a 1 dollar bill.” Then he said “green” he wanted my money so i gave it to him and zoomed off.
After I passed the game I went right back to level 1.What is going on I asked my self?Then I saw two buttons a red one and a green one.But the red one said PLEASE PRESS and the green on said DO NOT PRESS!Then I saw there were stickers on the buttons so I pulled them off.And the red said DO NOT PRESS and the green said PLEASE PRESS.Then the red one started talking to me.He said “dang you found out my trick.” Then he kept on talking so i closed my eyes and pressed the green button.I opened my eyes and i was at my house I went into my room and saw a book that said DO NOT READ... By e
Warning do not press
I pressed the warning do not press button.The floor started to shake.Then the speakers said self destruct.There was no way out.Then the walls fell and there was a camera behind the wall.It was just a trick that people wanted to post how someone would react to pressing the warning do not press button on the internet.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
There was a button that said DO NOT PRESS but I was curious so I pressed it. The button blows up because I pressed it thousands of people passed by me I get up and a robot is behind me I grab a hammer and hit it THE END
Apr 6, 2011
Wow look at this game! It looks fun should we play it? Sure, but the button say’s DO NOT PRESS!!!!!!!!!!! I DON’T CARE WHAT IT SAY’S I’M PRESSING it, you shouldn’t i’m telling you!! Oh don’t you look at me with an annoyed face. Sorry about that but you shouldn’t press it! Oh boo hoo, ahhhhhhh help me. Wow that was weird, but look were in the same place. Uh no we’re not RUNN.!!! Wait its just a little ducky.....OWW that hurt.!! Gulp.
Cause & Effect
Cause and Effect:
Once upon a time a little girl named Jessaika was reading a book and that book was Barney & Friends.
“Oh MY Gosh!!! It’s BARNEY!!!!”
Jessaika yelled.
Jessaika yelled.
“Shut up! Barney is a fake and you know it.” Alex slapped her in the FACE.
“Barney...He’s...He’ only LOVE!!!” Jessaika said hugging her barney poster.
“Agggh!! Ewww Sicko!!! Mom said only at 5:30 you can do your hugging session with Barney!!”Alex yelled grossly because of the fact that Jessaika was hugging her poster.
“Hey. Do you see that...button over there?” Alex pressed the button.
“OH. Uh, that’s my uh, barney....thing?” Jessiaka said.
The room started shaking eerily. “AAAAGGGG!!!! SAVE BARNEY!!!!!!!!” JESSAIKA yelled as she grabbed all of her barney keychains.
“Dummy. It’s just a...a...”ALex didn’t finish.
Alex was sitting on the couch.
“woah!” The couch started talking. “It’s a real human!!” The sofa said.
“Yah...And...Your a ....talkign couch? Right...”Alex jumped up.
“Well, of course. I was born this way...By Lady Gaga.”The couch starting singing.
“Uh, where did Jessaika go?” “She..Barney’s wife? Mrs.Friends? I may assume.”The couch asked pointing over to the computer screen.
“DO NOT TOUCH” Alex read from the computer.
Alex repeated the words several times.
“Yah.” Alex touched the computer screen and POP! “Woah. It’s ugly Jessaika!!” Alex yelled.
Loverboy & Hope
Fluffy button
1 day I was selected for vice president. I went to my office and looked at my button that said in big letters “WARNING!! DO NOT PRESS!!!”. 1day I was feeling my fluffy button and I fell asleep. I woke up and my head was through the ceiling. “I’m never pressing my fluffy button again unless I want my head through the ceiling like right now.
“Hey”Dare you to push that button!”says Becca. “OH!Fine!” says Gracie. Mmmmm.....Zappppp.....!!
“Hey!You new in town?I’m Frank!” “Hi” say the 2 girls.”You a PROSPECTOR?” says Frank.The 2 girls OUTSTRETCHED.”Have you found some gold yet?” asks Frank. “I’m not into DISAPPOINTMENT!”
“Hey!There’s something something GLINTING over there!Is it,G-G-G-G-O-O-O-L-L-L-D-D-D?????
So!Frank was SO happy that he found gold that he danced in CIRCULAR movement!
The 2 girls got SO ANNOYED at all the dancing that Frank was doing.2 hours straight he was dancing!”Well.We didn’t have to find a REFERENCE!”says Frank.
Written By: Asheley :)
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
I pressed a button that said “Warning Do Not Press!” I pressed it anyway. First the world was full of trash. After I cleaned all the trash up there was an earthquake. Then there was a tsunami after the earthquake. Everything was back to normal. (P.S she had a tail and whiskers.) By:J.P.
The Great Blue Heron
The Great Blue Heron’s scientific name is Ardea Herodias. They are seen in lakes, rivers, and marshes. We see them the most here in Utah. They eat fish, amphibians and insects. Nests are built in trees near the water in March and April. The males gather all the materials and the females build it. After the nests are built they get reused over and over. They can be 3.5 feet in diameter. Usually there is 4 eggs in a nest but the most is 7. Both parents sit on the eggs for 25 to 29 days. Young can fly in 2 to 3 months.
THE END!!!!!!!!
I pressed a button that said, “WARNING, DO NOT PRESS!!!. I fell into the school gym were there were alligators trying to eat my flesh!!!! I pressed another button
and the alligators started doing the disco dance!!!!
I pressed the button again and three man eating baby cheetah robots popped out of nowhere!!!! One of the cheetahs bit my shoe. I saw another button 4 feet away from me, I inched forward and pressed the button. And the cheetah babies started doing the boogie dance!!!!
The Red Button
OOH, a button! What does it say? Hmmm? Oh! It says... please press! O.k .Sure!Click.BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! SELF DESTRUCT IN 5.2 SECONDS! AHHH! 4! HELP! 3! WAHHH! 2 ! WHY DID I PRESS IT! BOOM ! WHAT?!?! I’m alive? OOH ! it is just a sandwich!Yum.But why though? I can tell you why.Because people keep trying to steal my sandwich.How was there an alarm then?It was in the sandwich see.OHH.Then,what was in the sandwich. Sardines ,dead snails,and a piece of chicken I found in the road. Ewwwww. I think i’m going to puke!!!BLAHHH.AWWW you barfed on my sandwich.Hmmm?Gulp. Yummy.
WALDO said don’t PUSH THAT WARNING BUTTON please!!! No said Makhy.
But then Makhy pushed the button then a big huge hole came out of no where. Then They were gone for ever that is it then some guy came out of nowhere and said Bahaha!! And they never came back. dadadaaa
My Cause & Effect Story! By Lauri D.
OH NO, NOT AGAIN!!!! Why did this have to happen to me. The last time I did something that said not to I got my DNA switched and almost didn’t get it back!!!! How stupid of me to press a button the specifically said not to. Turns out I didn’t do much harm. All it did was blow up a dumb waterbottle that said “Hi, I’m Bob.” It was quite funny. It said it in a really high voice higher than Alvin the chipmunk’s voice. Anyway, I don’t get why the stinkin’ button said “WARNING, DO NOT PRESS!!” anyway. Oh well!
I saw a button that said DO NOT PRESS but I pressed it any ways then ice cream fell from the sky in my ear and in my DNA and my head turned to ice cream my eyes were chocolate chips my nose is a cherry my mouth is sprinkles and my hair was whip cream with fudge. I though it was cool so I was going to my friend’s so I went outside on a hot summer day and and I forgot my dogs out and he loves ice cream and when I out side my dog ate my head. The is why you never press a button that says.....
Timber wolves
Timber wolves are grown into a family of 4-11, their height are between 4 ft(When adult) or 2 ft ( when a baby).
A baby timber wolf weighs about 1LB. when they are an baby, but when they are older and gross and wrinkly they weigh MORE than 40LB. A BABY TIMBER WOLF IS LEFT ALONE FROM IT'S MOTHER and after 12 days THEY FINALLY GET THEIR STRENGTH AND SKILLS!!!!
"LE LEAVETOURRE" "Wolves!!!!"
Do Not Press!!!!
I was looking for a job.I got an interview. The manager was showing me around when He said “Do not press the button that says do not press!”But I thought he said do press.So I pressd it ,and all this nosie and lights started going of.Every one started going outside it turns out the button was a fire alarm,and i did not get the job.
Pine Marten
The Pine Marten has a pointed face, and a bushy tail. There tail helps them keep there balance. Boy martens are larger than girl martens. They are as big as a house cat. Martens are between 19-27 inches long counting there tail, which is 5-9 inches long. They weigh about 1-3 pounds. Pine martens are brown with brighter underparts, and dark brown legs. They have small round ears and sharp teeth for eating meat.
The Pine Marten likes to live in the northern climates, such as Utah. They also live in Canada. They like to live in old over grown forests. They like to live there because there is plenty of dead trees to find food and to live in. These old overgrown forests make shade and it always stays dark and damp. This environment is perfect for small animals.
Pine Martens spend a lot of time searching for rodents on the ground. Martens would like to eat red-backed voles. They also eat mice, birds, flying squirrels, reptiles, and rabbits. Martens can eat honey, berries, worms, eggs, and conifer seeds, too. I guess Martens just eat what they see!
Martens are fast, strong, and balanced. They jump from tree to tree looking for flying squirrels. Martens have lots of energy. Martens also look on the ground, poking there heads into holes, logs, and between rocks. Sometimes they follow there prey, like a cat, or jump on them from above.
Martens have special ways of keeping warm in the winter. They stay under the snow which keeps the heat in there body, which keeps them warm and away from the cold. They look for hollow places in the logs and trees, to find mice and other small animals. They even have fur on the bottom of there feet! They are awake and energized all year long, even in the winter!
Martens do not live in groups. They like to live alone. When 2 adults meet each other they show there teeth and growl. They live in places between 5-15 square miles. When there is a lot of small animals they live in smaller places. But when stronger and fierce animals live where they live, they need a bigger place to live.
Martens give birth to there babies in March-April. They usually have 2-5 babies. The mother finds a hollow tree that once had animals living in it. The mother takes care of her babies for the first 6 weeks of there lives.
Adult Martens start mating when they are 1-2 years old. They mate in the middle of summer time. The babies are born 8 months later. This 8 month thing is important because this allows the babies to be born in the spring. There is lots of food and warmth in the spring for these baby Martens.
Martens once were endangered animals. They were hunted for there warm and beautiful fur. There fur was popular in the 1700-1800. The hunting still goes on today but there are a couple of laws to protect Pine Martens.
Martens have some enemies not counting humans. But humans hurt Martens, not counting there fur. Humans cut down trees for paper and for cities. Martens live in these trees and this leaves Martens homeless. They not only hurt Martens but this scares away the Martens prey. They will have nothing to eat. Humans are definitely enemies for Martens.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Lynx have short tails and characteristic tufts of lack hair on the tip of there ears.They have a ruff under there neck,witch has black bars (not very visible).They have puffy paws to walk in snow.Their population is perhaps 1,000 lynx exist in the lower 48 states.Their height is around 2 ft(91m)they weight about 10-23 pounds.Their life span is 10-15 years.Lynx are specialized hunters and can survive only where there are adequeto hares.Lynx are also known to eat mice,voles,grouse,ptarmigan,and red squirrel.Historically lynx lived in four geographicacy distinct areas within the continental united states.These areas include the northeast,Great Lake states,and northern Rocky Mountains. by e
did you know lynx have great eye sight they can spot a mouse 250 feet away
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Coyotes belong to the Canine family.Coyotes fur is black,brown, and white.They are mid size mammals.They weigh ten to fifteen kilograms and measure about a meter in length.They have long bushy tails.They can be found in desserts, forests, and mountains. Most of them will stay in groups of 6 so they will survive longer. They live in dens that protect their young and share heat in cold places.They live in dens during the winter so they can protect their cubs.They dig their dens less than a mile from the water so they can hunt.
The bobcat is a North American mammal of the cat family. There fur is a gray to brown coat with whiskers on their face and black-tufted ears. A bobcat is a mid-sized lynx it’s smaller than the Canada lynx . The bobcat likes to eat rabbits and hares. It will hunt anything from insects and small rodents to deer. Bobcats have been hunted for sport and fur for many years. Bobcats don’t hibernate they travel a lot for their. Bobcats and lynx are active hunters so they hunt all year long. By J.R

They go and build a den in the side of a mountain and sleep the rest of the winter.In the spring they are really hungry so they go and hunt usually deer,elk,raccoons,feral,pigs,and frogs.So there you have it. By A.t
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
White Tailed Deer By Courtney
White tailed deer are found in places all around the world. They are found in the United States, Canada, Central America, Mexico & South America. They have been introduced to New Zealand, Finland & The Czech Republic.
They are mostly found n the United States. They are common in the Rocky Mountains.
White tailed deer have a diet of leaves, cacti & grasses. They also eat acorns, fruits & corn.
Any time the temperature rises above 40 degrees fahrenheit males will do less looking for females.
Size & Weight
White tailed deer usually weigh 130-300 lbs. Females usually weigh 90-200 lbs. White tailed deer can be (including tail) 32-40 inches long.
White tailed deer are mainly found in forests. They are also found near farmlands & swamps.
Winter Adaptations
White tailed deer survive the winter by keeping warm under their hides.They dig in the snow for grass. During the winter they will eat bark, leaves, & grass.
That is the life of the White tailed deer!!!!!
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